Sunday, May 6, 2012

New Lens - Sigma 18-200mm - feeling the love!

So on Friday I was given THE MOST AMAZING LEAVING GIFT EVER!!! I rented a Sigma 18-200mm lens for the wedding back in February and fell head over heels in love. I vowed then that it would be my next camera purchase, and have just been waiting for the right time to "justify" buying it. So when I opened the wrapping on Friday and found the lens inside I just about BURST! I can't thank the Forest guys enough for this gift, it's amazing! I'm gonna miss them all loads, but with my new lens, there'll hopefully be lots of camera adventures in my future. 

So, while the weather was fine, we headed off to Manchester, and I HAD to give my new lens a "test". These are the random shots I took today, and I'm so IN LOVE with this lens! 
(I think this is the most capitals and exclamation marks I've used in a post - but this lens - it deserves them ALL).

So with one lens I went from this:

Through this:

To this:

No extra lenses, no faffing with changing, just twist and shoot! And the image quality from it is just sexy! (I know, I find weird things sexy). 

The extra zoom allowed some surreptitious (I love that word!) street photography:

And just because I thought "Exit? Only if you can quantum phase shift!"

And finally, some pretty flowers, because it's spring, or summer, or something.....

Happy Weekend!

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