Thursday, December 29, 2011

Alternative Christmas

We don't follow convention for anything in our house, and Christmas is no exception. For a few years now we've had an alternative Christmas, on the 28th December. People often seem confused by this, but personally I get more confused by separated parents who split Christmas day.

As usual this year the Christmas season really started for us on Boxing day. With a party at my Aunty Karen's house, with most of my family there. My family are NUTS, but I love spending time with them like this, all of us together. I brought my camera, but struggled with low light and people weren't keen on the flash. (This has just made me realise I need a faster lens - perhaps a nice Canon 50mm - our anniversary is coming up *hint, hint, Gary*). I did manage to get a couple of quick shots though -

This little is the youngest of the family, and he has the most adorable chuckle! He of all people was most unimpressed with my flash. (you can see the pictures I took of him as a sweet newborn just a few months ago  here)

And then on the 28th Santa brought presents, LOTS of presents! This is what our tree looked like when we came down in the morning:

Of course, as he always does, Santa did a little something extra for us. He decorated the living room walls and left us a fishing game.

I got some really lovely presents, which obviously affirms that I am a VERY GOOD GIRL ;)

 My favourite is this Sheep cushion, hand-made by my wonderful son. The bubble says "<3 ewe"! :D

I know I can't be the only girl of my generation that loved (and still loves) Flower Fairies. Gary got me this Tulip fairy, combining my favourite flower with my love of Flower fairies. He's pretty good when it comes to gifts.

As usual we broke convention again for Dinner and had Duck with Raspberry sauce. I got a couple of quick shots of the dinner table before it got messy with crackers and paper hats and blobs of sauce! ;)

 I hope you all enjoyed normal Christmas as much as we enjoyed our alternative one!
