Sunday, March 24, 2013

Earth Hour 2013

Some of you may already know that last night was Earth Hour night. For those unfamiliar with Earth Hour, it is an environmental initiative that asks people to shut off lights and other electrical items for one hour, on the same day each year. The idea is to turn off all the lights in every town/city in the world; for one hour the world will go dark. In our house we have observed Earth Hour for a few years now, filling the time chatting and telling silly stories. This year Cas wanted to play Lego boardgames. So we got out the candles and settled down to play. The light was so lovely, and the moment with my boys so precious that I wanted to document it. I grabbed my camera and took a few shots. These pictures for me represent the sanctuary that my little family gives me, and how precious our time together is. They represent us, bare, stripped down without the distractions of technology, enjoying each other's company.

I really enjoyed our quiet time last night. But it's back to the grind-stone for me, I've a million things to do, not least of which is finish the editing from my recent baby shoot.
